That's right we are back from our annual vacation to Hawaii. This year was sooo much fun. The kids loved being there with their cousins, Iver and Ramzy. There was a lot of things going on everyday and of course that comes with some injuries. This trip we had Abbie fall on the concrete (on a speed bump) which scraped up her elbows, foot, and knees; next was her other fall which was on the back of the golf cart with Tanner running the gas and the breaks which scraped up her foot some more and she got drug a little so she had road rash on her bum. Ramzy and her friend Brisa were stung by a Portuguese man-of-war jumping off the peer luckily they didn't like the rest of us. We had a couple sunburns, but of course it wasn't the kids it was the adults that were burned, at least we were thinking of the kids. Tanner hit into Chad while diving into a wave and got a black eye. Iver was bit a couple times by his Chameleon. Chad and Chandler both cut themselves on the coral while snorkeling, quite a few times and Chad got some funky skin condition!!! which made his lips swell big time. We think he is allergic to the skin on Mangos.
Beside all the miss haps, we had an amazing time with all the things we did do. The best part was going to our beach and discovering a sea turtle (not a normal occurance). The kids went to turtle cave (i stayed home with Lucas) we went to queens bath, saw a seal on the beach at Ke' e every one snorkled a ton. We went out early to the beach when it was low tide and walked out on the reaf and saw lots of sea life, we also did some fishing, a lot of playing in the sand and enjoying the sun. Are you getting jelous yet? I am, I want to go back and have a vacation again:) oh, I almost forgot about the crab catching, everyone but me and julie (my sister in law) caught quite a few crabs, which is becoming a tradition it seems. Lucas loved the beach it was so fun to watch him discover everything at the beach, he is so cute. I finally got to reach the Twilight series (ya I read all three books while there) holy crow EDWARD!!!! need I say more. So anyway I know this was long but there is so much more I just don't want to make you any more jelous. Oh ya I forgot to mention that I got to hang out with one of my good friends Megan and it was so fun to catch up and see her new baby Carson, what a cutie!!! Love you megan wish we could have spent more time together. Enjoy the pictures :-)